

2021 Jul 15
Oval Integrative Pharmacy announced today their grand opening inside the Richmond Olympic Oval next to LifeMark Sport Medicine in Richmond, BC. Owned by a pharmacist and psychotherapist team – Grace and David Chong, Oval Integrative Pharmacy was established to serve the neighborhood and address a growing demand for integrative and holistic pharmaceutical services for people in all stages of life. Integrative pharmacy is a patient-centered approach in which healthcare providers and patients shift their focus towards physical wellness, mental wellness, and optimal health instead of focusing on the treatment of symptoms. “At Oval Integrative Pharmacy we strive for excellence. My aim is to form deep connections with our clients and to improve their well-being,” said Grace Chong, Pharmacy Director. ”In addition to pharmaceutical services, we integrate counselling services to provide our clients with an effective and balanced wellness offering.” At Oval Integrative Pharmacy, we take it one step further by combining conventional medicines, complementary medicines and practices, and counselling therapy to provide your whole family with safe and effective holistic care. No matter your age, our team believes that our unique approach of blending professional pharmacy services with psychotherapy can help our patients take back control of their lives. By focusing on illness prevention, health optimization and counselling therapy, our team can identify and resolve issues before they progress into more problematic illnesses and traumas. Many of our patients have seen improvement throughout all facets of their life, including relationships, abilities, mood, and energy. Grand opening event takes place at 11am on July 15, 2021 inside LifeMark Sport Medicine.


2021 Jul 26
糖尿病專題講座: 血糖測試新科技全面大檢閱 Date: Sat Sept 11, 2021 (in person) Location: Oval Integrative Pharmacy RSVP: required by phone or online (family members are welcome) Language: 10am English / 11am Chinese Face masks are required; please practice social distancing. Snacks and demo devices will be provided. Learn about the main 3 types of glucose monitoring devices (ie. blood glucose meter, flash glucose meter, and continuous glucose monitor). By the end of the workshop you will be able to determine a device that best suits your needs. Speaker: MACI WONG BScPharm, RPh, CDE Maci is a registered BC pharmacist and a certified diabetes educator in Canada. In her early years of practice, she worked in the community sector in Bella Bella, Terrace and Vancouver. She is recently developing her practice in oncology and hospital dispensary. 日期: 2021年9月11日 (星期六) 時間: 早上10時英文講解 / 早上11時中文(粵語/國語)講解 地點: Oval Integrative Pharmacy (位於列治文奧運體育館勳奧藥房) 報名: 敬請致電或網上登記 (歡迎與家人一起參加) 場內需穿戴口罩及保持社交距離。 大會提供小食和血糖測試儀器示範。 講員會為你介紹三種最流行類型的血糖測試儀器( 包括傳統用血糖測試紙檢測的儀器, 最新兩款傳感器血糖監測系統和動態血糖監測系統), 幫助選擇最適合你的血糖測試儀器, 使你更能改善和管理血糖問題。 講員: 黃洺茜 MACI WONG BSc Pharm, RPh, CDE Maci Wong 是卑詩省註冊藥劑師暨認可糖尿專科教育專家。 她曾在卑詩省不同社區藥房工作, 近年主要在腫瘤專科和醫院擔任藥劑師。
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